Are you looking for a welcoming place to celebrate Easter and Holy Week? At Brockport First Baptist, we have a number of special services planned to prepare us for Jesus’ Passion and celebrate the Resurrection! It’s the holiest time of the year — we’d love for you to join us!


Palm Sunday - Baptism service

The picture says it all! Join us for worship on Sunday, April 14 at 10:00am for a special baptism service. Then, stick around for cake and conversation after the service as we celebrate our new members!

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Maundy thursday - dinner church

Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. It was at the Last Supper that Jesus famously washed his disciples’ feet and shared the bread and the cup in a practice we remember as Communion. This year, we’ll be echoing back to that first Maundy Thursday by enjoying dinner together.

If you’ve never been to a “dinner church” service, you’re in a for a treat! It’s a combination meal and worship experience as we enjoy a dinner of soup, salad, and dessert served family style! We’ll sing some songs, read a little Scripture, enjoy some fantastic food, and ever better conversation as we ponder our place at disciples in the Maundy Thursday story.

Join us Thursday, April 18, 6:00-7:30pm. All ages welcome!


resurrection sunday!

We’re pulling out all the stops this year! Join us on Sunday, April 21 as we come together to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. The morning will be jam packed with events, including:

  • Breakfast at 9am in the Fellowship Hall

  • Worship at 10am in the Sanctuary

  • An Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos immediately after the service

It’s gonna be a fun, celebratory time as we lift our voices in praise to the God who defeated death and who comes to make all things new.

If you have questions about any of these services, please contact us and let us know!